Feed Analysis

Note: For a capsule summary of the premise of my A to Z, see the sidebar. No sidebar? Check under the Comments section. Either way, it ought be right under my 2018 April A to Z badge. Continue reading
Note: For a capsule summary of the premise of my A to Z, see the sidebar. No sidebar? Check under the Comments section. Either way, it ought be right under my 2018 April A to Z badge. Continue reading
NOTE: For a short capsule summary of my A To Z, see the sidebar. If there is no sidebar displayed on your device, try under the Comments section. The summary is right underneath my 2018 A To Z badge. Ah, the Elizabethan Era! A time of peace except when… Continue reading
Note: for a capsule summary of my A To Z, see the sidebar. Or, if there is no sidebar displayed on your device, try underneath the Comments section. The summary is right below my 2018 April A To Z Blogging Challenge badge. Hello, darlings! If you are like… Continue reading
The Core Computer Welcome, Initiate! I hear that you wish to plumb the mysteries of the Core Computer. A message has come down to me from the lighted places above, a message I do not entirely understand, asking that I speak of these holy matters to you. I shall… Continue reading
Note: for a helpful summary of what this A To Z is about, please see my sidebar (or check under the Comments section if your device doesn’t display a sidebar). The explanation is right under my 2018 A To Z Challenge Badge. Basic Missions Ethelbertha Littledove, Missions Coordinator Right. No… Continue reading
NOTE: You might want to look at my Theme Reveal before reading this… then again, you could also just plunge in. About This Book Dept: Lighthouse Admin (via iDictaBrain dictation) If you have the clearance to read this text, you are a Lighthouse Agent. You may have gone on… Continue reading
April A To Z Blogging Challenge 2018 Theme Reveal: The Lighthouse Agent’s A To Z Guide The year is 3391. The Lighthouse is an organization in a time-shielded fortress. Their mission: to protect humanity from the frequently apocalyptic consequences of time travel. This means that Lighthouse Agents have… Continue reading