This gallery contains 7 photos.
Mouse Over The Pictures To Reveal Secret Messages! See! A Woman Transformed into a Star-Eyed Glowing Worm-Thing! The Horror! P.S.: IS THIS HOW YOU BLOG?? I JUST DON’T KNOW!!!!! Continue reading
A Slideshow Drama! Continue reading
I. The Birth of Cuthbert The Progenitor Meet Cuthbert The Progenitor (or Ur-Cuthbert, if you prefer). Alec and I made him by accident while we were trying to make a Halloween ghost prop. See, Cuthbert’s head is a helium balloon; the long balloon and the inflated glove are full of… Continue reading
Hey there! So, sometimes I submit stories to various people, in the hope that I will receive money and Increased Visibility by so doing. It may sound sordid, but it is actually quite good fun, and I now recommend it as a health-tonic to those in my circle of acquaintances… Continue reading
I recently purchased an iPad. My journey towards this purchase was, I imagine, a fairly typical one. First, I spent years sneering at the concept of the iPad, denying that an iPad could be either fun or useful, thumping my womanly chest and brandishing my Kindle in the air while… Continue reading
I don’t know quite how it came to pass that Alec (my boyfriend, whose image the interested reader may gaze upon, if s/he so chooses, by going to my post I is for… Inquest; the portrait labelled Merridew Wavering is me in drag; the portrait labelled The Claimant is Alec,… Continue reading
Please mouse-over Pictures to reveal Secret Messages. Right. I am way too entertained by this making-me-into-monsters thing. I just really hope I’m not inadvertently performing some sort of Dark Summoning Ritual through photo-editing. Actually, that is an awesome concept. I still hope it isn’t true. But I MAY have to… Continue reading
This story has been painfully re-constructed from my Facebook posts (cutting and pasting counts as pain, right?) for your Reading Pleasure. 1) First Mention of Cuthbert: December 20th, 2013 As Christmas approaches, Alec talks of taking down our one remaining Halloween decoration, a floating ghost thing with tattered black rags… Continue reading
This gallery contains 7 photos.
Mouse Over The Pictures To Reveal Secret Messages! See! A Woman Transformed into a Star-Eyed Glowing Worm-Thing! The Horror! P.S.: IS THIS HOW YOU BLOG?? I JUST DON’T KNOW!!!!! Continue reading
This gallery contains 8 photos.
The first picture is of my face with no tricks save the ancient feminine trick of make-up. The other pictures have been modified, each a modified version of the picture before it, in FX Photo Studio Pro, otherwise known as “The best 11 bucks I’ve spent in a while on… Continue reading