Feed Analysis

Note: For a capsule summary of the premise of my A to Z, see the sidebar. No sidebar? Check under the Comments section. Either way, it ought be right under my 2018 April A to Z badge.

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  1. Yours is the most creative, imaginative, and enjoyable post I’ve read in this challenge thus far. Shhh, don’t let anyone else know. Envy may erupt.

  2. SO AWESOME!!!

    I write choose your own adventures, and someone has mentioned to me a website that does what you did. It’s so awesome to think about. Thanks for creating and sharing!

    Jayden R. Vincente
    Erotic Fiction Writer

    • Thank you! And I may have been the one to mention this to you, possibly in some past A To Z. I used Twine 1 to make this; Twine 2, however, works in the way you describe (online). Go to twinery.org for more info.

  3. That was absolutely fantastic!
    How did you come up with such an idea.
    Oh, sorry, what stupid question. You discovered everything.

  4. Such a brilliant concept for a post! Did you find the technology first, or have the idea and then seek the technology to host it? Either way, superb!

    A-Zing this year at:
    Normally found at:

    • Hey Debs! I used Twine 1 to make this post, and (I think) I wouldn’t have structured my post this way if I didn’t know about Twine. I’ve done quite a lot with Twine, mostly for this project: The Perils of Sir Reginald, Bart.
      Actually, Twine is pretty deeply entangled with this A to Z, as I thought up The Lighthouse while making a Twine game. That game got shelved, but I hope to finish it someday.
      Thanks for asking that!

  5. I never cease to be amazed at your creative mind.

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