2018 A To Z Challenge Theme Reveal: The Lighthouse

Public Relations Poster, Circa 2989 (from Lighthouse Internal History Archive)

April A To Z Blogging Challenge 2018


Theme Reveal: The Lighthouse Agent’s A To Z Guide


The year is 3391. The Lighthouse is an organization in a time-shielded fortress. Their mission: to protect humanity from the frequently apocalyptic consequences of time travel. This means that Lighthouse Agents have to go back in time themselves and Interfere. This is stressful and frequently dangerous. The Lighthouse Admin has therefore prepared an A To Z Guide for their agents. They find that A to Z Guides, being redolent of childhood days, are soothing to the nerves. This guide will cover various aspects of the work of a Lighthouse Agent.


By a strange coincidence, the guide was, in 2018, published online, as the April A to Z Blogging Challenge of one Melanie Atherton Allen. Presumably, she believed herself to be writing fiction. Unless, of course, she somehow got hold of a copy. The matter is being investigated, especially considering that she appears to be the creator of Atherton’s Magic Vapour, which, as you will learn, is a rather sinister fact in itself.


Tune in April 1st for the first entry!


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  1. Intriguing!

  2. Melanie, I’m so happy to see you at the challenge again. And your story sounds to be even more fun that usual!!!

  3. “They find that A to Z Guides, being redolent of childhood days, are soothing to the nerves.” <— 🙂 Hahahaaaa!!
    I'm hooked!

  4. Time-slipping over to find out who this Atherton is. First off great graphics and I love the style. Oh and, hi Melanie.

  5. Hi! Following your comment on my blog, I’m here starting from the beginning. This sounds exciting. I love mystery!

    Jayden R. Vincente
    Erotic Fiction Writer

  6. I’m really glad you found Tale Spinning. Now I have some new writing to enjoy (yours, I mean).

    I like the premise. Sounds like fun

    Tale Spinning

  7. Pingback: Why the #AtoZChallenge is a perfect method of research - The Old Shelter

  8. Pingback: Reflection – Why the #AtoZChallenge is a perfect method of research – The Old Shelter

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