Writer’s Block. It happens. And it is beastly. So, as a Public Service, I am compiling a list of solutions that I have found effective; this is the beginning of that process. I will add to this post as I think of, discover, or hear about new techniques; for now, I will document the one that I am using now (or, rather, I was using it a moment ago, and I’m going to go back to using it when I am done telling the Internet about it). If you have tips of your own, please comment and tell me all about them!
Ahem. Here is my first suggestion:
-Hit a wall, plot-wise? Go back and edit what you’ve written. This is a better use of your time than sitting at your desk and agonizing, and doing the sort of minute read-through that one does while editing may well suggest some plot possibilities that you hadn’t thought of before.