Occult Detective Quarterly Issue 3

A Thrilling Announcement

My story “The Cowherd,” starring Occult Investigator Simon Wake, and set in Edwardian England, is in the excellent magazine Occult Detective Quarterly (issue 3).  Buy it here from Amazon.  Above, you can see my own concept of what Simon Wake looks like (and, as usual, that’s me in the photograph).  This is Simon Wake’s first appearance in print, but it won’t, I hope, be his last. 

Oh!  Also, there is an illustration.  I’ve never had a story of mine illustrated before, so this fact is, for me at any rate, extremely exciting.

“But my dear Atherton,” I hear you saying (for my hearing is Supernormal, if not positively Supernatural).  “It is all very well about your story, but what of the rest of the magazine?  Is it worth my money?”  Reader, I assure you, it is.  Scanning the Table of Contents, I was delighted to see several names with whose work I was already familiar, as well as several names that were new to me.  All of the stories were strong, but I particularly loved “Disconnected,” by Brian M. Sammons.  I’m not going to say much about this story, for fear of ruining the pleasure of slow, horrible realization that creeps upon the reader as the Terrible Truth is made clear, but I will say that fans of H.P. Lovecraft will be especially pleased.  As for non-fiction, Tim Prasil’s article “Charles Dickens & Arthur Conan Doyle: Dabblers in Ghost Hunting” is both amusing and informative.  And then there is Borkchito, Occult Doggo Detective.  I adore Borkchito, and so will you.














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