An Unstable Labyrinth
An Atherton’s Artificial Artifact! Continue reading
An Atherton’s Artificial Artifact! Continue reading
An Atherton’s Artificial Artifact! Continue reading
An Atherton’s Artificial Artifact! Part III of III Part I: The Quicken Tree Part II: Remnant of a Recondite Record Note: “Plate 54” is the Vicar’s letter; see The Quicken Tree For Plates 55 and 56, see Remnant of a Recondite Record Continue reading
AN Atherton’s Artificial Artifact Part II of ??? My dear Robert, Just a short note this time, to explain the enclosure. This chapbook is the only record of Ezabell Walker I can find in my library. It was quite by chance that I found it at all, for it was… Continue reading
An Atherton’s Artificial Artifact! Part I of ??? My dear Robert, As you know, when I became Vicar of Ditchford Frary, in Gloucestershire, I had hoped to be the recipient of much rural lore. I imagined myself in my rural fastness, writing learned articles and even the occasional little monograph… Continue reading
An Atherton’s Artificial Artifact! This time, I present… a Glossary! Probably from a book by Sir Eldritch Entwhistle! All the words in this Glossary (except for Poltergeist) can be found in H.P. Blavatsky’s The Theosophical Glossary. Continue reading
An Atherton’s Artificial Artifact! As a Young Lady, I took several years of Latin. Translation was my favorite homework, I think because I was damn bad at it. My translations would come out pleasingly strange, the way, I felt, anything translated from Latin ought to be. Mysterious, and remote, and… Continue reading
An Atherton’s Artificial Artifact!!!! Continue reading
An Atherton’s Artificial Artifact! But a short one, this time! This time, I have written for your perusal and pleasure a single page somewhat in the style of Thomas Love Peacock (though his style is sublime, and perhaps inimitable). Continue reading
An Atherton’s Artificial Artifact! Land Ho (Plus Kraken Battle!) is Part III (the Final Part) of a Linked Series Part I is Journal of a Sea-Journey & Part II is The Kraken Continue reading