Z…2021 A to Z Horror Movies #AtoZChallenge

Hello, and welcome to my 2021 April A to Z Blogging Challenge! This year, I am listing all the horror movies Alec and I have seen over the course of the pandemic (so far), with notes. And today is “Z,” and the last post of all! And I have but one movie to talk about for “Z.” When I constructed my initial list, “Z” was one of two letters that I had no entries for. I had to go and seek a “Z.” And what I found was wonderful.

This is going to be short and sweet today, folks. I have an exciting thing to do today that will take up lots of time. For, you see, we are about to adopt kittens! And our house needs to be kitten-proofed and made comfortable for the lil psychopaths (I say that affectionately; we lost our cat Anubis in January, and our house has been bereft of furry little psychos ever since, and it just isn’t the same house without something insane and fur-covered making odd demands) before they arrive (which may happen as soon as  tomorrow).

So that’s my big news. Or rather, my small, furry news. We’re desperately excited.

Without further ado… I present to you…


Zombeavers (2014)


Director: Jordan Rubin

I had low expectations for this movie. I mean, the title made me think it was going for bad-on-purpose. Actually, it turned out to be a blast. A very amusing and well-scripted horror-comedy. It is about… well, look, it’s about zombeavers. Some people go to a remote cabin by a lake, and it turns out that there are zombeavers all over the place. It isn’t a subtle movie. But it does have an amazing song. The song has some spoilers in it, but I feel that nothing is ruined that the genre-savvy movie-goer would not already guess. So I’m going to ask you, if you like, to listen to this song. Please note that this video inhabits an uncomfortable twilight zone where it is technically (but only technically) safe for work. And note that it is labelled 18+. And that–I mean, there are clips from a horror movie about zombie beavers in the video, so if you don’t want to see that, don’t play it.

If you’re okay with all of that, I’d go ahead and play the video.

If you will further indulge me, imagine that this is the song that is playing over the ending credits of this A to Z. The lights have come up in the theater, and everyone is blinking and looking for their purses and things and wondering what happened to all that popcorn. Soon, you’ll be out on the street again, pursuing your various courses to your various homes, or going on to some other entertainment. For now, though, this is happening.

Right. So, that’s it for my A to Z! I will be playing blog catch-up with other A to Zers over the coming weeks. For now, I have a kitten-receiving zone to prep.

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  1. That was fucking hysterical

    You made it to Z

    Zomkittens are coming your way.

    Thanks for the 26 days of (most) movies I’ve never heard of. Now I have a list for next Halloween (at least).

    Thanks, Melanie
    (and I am right there with you with blog hopping. I’ve been horrible at visiting this year)

    • Zomkittens indeed! We are sitting with them now, watching them wrestle.
      What will be on your Halloween list?
      I have also been bad at visiting this year. And I’m going to play catch-up pretty slowly. For one thing, to be -=tg <-- this is a kitten comment; Morgan just dashed across my computer keyboard on his way to his favorite chair... what was I saying? Oh yes. For one thing, I've had a migraine on and off for the past several days, and that means I've been trying to minimize screen-time. But I'll get to everyone in time!

  2. Small, furry news is often some of the best news.

    Nothing could have prepared me for the awesomeness of that theme song.

    • I know! We are very pleased about it ourselves. I am sitting in the cat-room now, introducing them to the idea that sometimes there are computers.
      I really love the song. And I love that they bothered to make it. We haven’t memorized the whole thing yet, but I bet that is coming. It is the sort of song that is easily memorized.

  3. Pingback: A to Z Blogging Challenge 2021: Horror Movies Z | The Writerly Reader

  4. Good luck with the kittens, and thanks for finishing on a terrifying looking film! Learned about so many horror films I have not seen through the month. Well done on making it to the end 🙂

  5. Oooh, congratulations on the acquisition of kittens!!! So exciting! (Oh yeah, and congrats on completing the A to Z, too. While I have no desire to watch any of your movies, I did enjoy reading your descriptions and reviews. And yes, that theme song is definitely something pretty special!)
    Black and White: Z for Zerzura

    • Thank you! We are very pleased with the kittens too. We picked them up yesterday afternoon, and they are already settling in nicely. They seem to like us, which is always good. I am sitting with them now in their special cat-room, seeing how they take to the notion that sometimes computers are on laps.
      Ha! Yeah, I didn’t think you’d be a horror-convert. I’m glad you liked the song.

  6. OMG…brilliant! That song is perfect!! I’ve always wondered about Zombeavers but now I HAVE to watch it.

  7. Congrats on finishing the A to Z Challenge!
    Lots of great movies here and some…well I am likely to watch them anyway if I have not already seen them. 😉

    Yours is one of the blogs I will be following from now on.

    • Thanks! Also, yes. I get it about watching movies that… aren’t great. Sometimes, they are really fun. And there is always the option of turning them off if they are really bad.
      Thanks! I will be following yours too!

  8. Congrats on the new kittens. Whenever you lose a pet, the house just doesn’t have the same energy. I’m sure it will be great fun to have little kittens in your home again. Weekends In Maine

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