Welcome to Stranded!, my Strand Magazine-based April A to Z Blogging Challenge! In this challenge, I will be taking illustrations from The Strand Magazine and making new stories out of them. So, in order to fully appreciate the Stirring Events eventuating here, a look back at my older A TO Z entries is advisable. I promise you, they are short. Click Here to start with my Theme Reveal, or Click Here to start with A! It is also totally acceptable to just look at today’s post.
First, we shall look in on Alfie, to see what he is up to.
But what of Annabelle? What, indeed?
The images in Annabelle’s story are all from The Strand Magazine, No. 46, the first image in Alfie’s story is from No. 18, and all of the images in the second image in Alfie’s story are all from the same article, but I appear once again to have neglected to record which issue that article is in. It is an article about Secret Passages; I can tell you that much. ***UPDATE: the article, called, “Secret Hiding-Places,” is in No. 48.
And that’s all for today, folks! Thanks for visiting; stay as long as you like! There is a LOT of content on this blaugh, and (in my totally-not-humble opinion) most of it is Very Good. And please note the list of A To Z Fictioneers in my sidebar (or, if you are on a Mobile Device or a Tablet, it may be somewhere under the Comments Section). This list, of we few, we happy few, who are Doing Fiction for our A To Zs this year, will help you find more fiction to read. Also! If you yourself are Fictioneering for your A to Z this year, Comment and tell me so, and I will put you on the list!
Oh yes, and please do leave a comment in any case. Even if it is just “Hey, I exist, and I liked your thing.”
Until tomorrow, then!
Isn’t the common response to seeing a grand house in the middle distance to go there promptly and steal their most advanced conveyance? A coach and four being widely accepted as the most preferred, but a lone horse saddled and bridled being an acceptable alternative in the absence of a four-in-hand, particularly if the perpetrator operates alone. You, of course, will be more expert in this area than I, so I shall defer to your determination of my presumption’s correctness or erroneousness.
Hello Sue! You are Absolutely Correct, if the object of the criminally-inclined grand-house-viewer is to leave the vicinity of said grand house as soon as possible. This, admittedly, ought to have been Alfie’s object, but he is not, perhaps, thinking very clearly at the moment.
I’m fascinated with the logic of this story 🙂
The Old Shelter – 1940s Film Noir
thanks! 🙂
This is the most logical story I can easily relate to
Launching SIM Organics This April
*Menaka Bharathi *
Poor Annabelle being chased by the mini-dogs. :O I’m really enjoying the story. I’m dreadfully behind, but I will catch up, eventually. 😉
Hello Sara! Poor Annabelle indeed! 🙂