An Atherton’s Artificial Artifact!
It is not Without a Tear that we (and by We, What I mean is I) present our last post for this April A To Z. In fact, we are so Overcome that we really feel that we will just leave this page here, and not explain what it is the reader is looking at. For the Enquiring Mind (Who Wants To Know), I would recommend this work: Raphael’s Sanctuary of the Astral Art (1834).
By the way!!!! If you know of an old (pre-1900) text, in English and available online, that you’d like me to make into an Artificial Artifact, tell me about it in the Comments section! I’ll give it my best shot, and post it if it is any good.
I know I’m so late (still trying to catch up and knowing I will never catch up with everyone) but congratulation of concluding the AtoZ Challenge. YOu really had a unique and very imaginative theme. I enjoyed it a lot 🙂
Hey Jazzfeathers! Thanks! Also, talking of being so late… I see that you left this comment in May, and it is now August, soooo… yeah. I am the latest.