Y is for You, You, and Young

Welcome to Stranded!, my Strand Magazine-based April A to Z Blogging Challenge!  In this challenge, I will be taking illustrations from The Strand Magazine and making new stories out of them.  So, in order to fully appreciate the Stirring Events eventuating here, a look back at my older A TO Z entries is advisable.  I promise you, they are short.  Click Here to start with my Theme Reveal, or Click Here to start with A!  It is also totally acceptable to just look at today’s post.

First, we continue with Annabelle’s narrative!  In fact, we have reached the end of Annabelle’s story, as you will see below.

See?  It says it is the end and everything.  But!  What of Alfie?  Will his story conclude today, too?  Reader, it will not.  It will get very close to ending, however, as you will see below.


Today’s images are from The Strand Magazine, No. 57, No. 49, No. 52 (potato courtesy of No. 26), and No. 10 (potato again courtesy of No. 26).

And that’s all for today, folks!  Thanks for visiting; stay as long as you like!  There is a LOT of content on this blaugh, and (in my totally-not-humble opinion) most of it is Very Good.  May I particularly recommend my older A To Zs?  If you click on the header, it will whisk you away to my homepage, and there, you ought to find links to my Thrilling A To Zs of Aprils Past. 

One of my old A to Zs  (Alas! My 2015 A to Z) is a Complete Edwardian Mystery Novella, with costumes!  I wrote a whole dang mystery novella (50,000 words total) that April.  Each chapter is told from a different POV, and comes with a picture of me, dressed up as the POV character.  The mystery is also, I think, fun.  It is not a Grim Slice of Gritty Real Life, because I don’t do that stuff anymore; also, the solution, though Technically Possible, is Wildly Improbable.  But allow me to remind the reader that many of the finest mystery novels do have wildly improbable solutions (I am looking at you, John Dickson Carr).  Anyway, you could, if you liked, just try the first chapter or two, and see if you are sufficiently intrigued to go on reading.  Or you could simply look at the pictures.  Or you could do neither of these things.  Here is the Table of Contents!

And as long as I’m going in for all this high-pressure salesmanship stuff, I might as well remind the reader that sharing is vastly appreciated. 

And please note the list of A To Z Fictioneers in my sidebar (or, if you are on a Mobile Device or a Tablet, it may be somewhere under the Comments Section).  This list, of we few, we happy few, who are Doing Fiction for our A To Zs this year, will help you find more fiction to read.  Also!  If you yourself are Fictioneering for your A to Z this year, Comment and tell me so, and I will put you on the list!

Oh yes, and please do leave a comment in any case.  Even if it is just “Hey, I exist, and I liked your thing.”  Or, hey!  Tell me about the craziest creative project you’ve ever completed.  It doesn’t have to be an A to Z.  It doesn’t even have to be something in the writing or artistic line.  It could be the zany (but effective) new filing system you implemented at your workplace.  If it is online, include a link; otherwise, just tell me about it.











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  1. I see that Annabelle’s life has been completely changed by her experience.
    But I have a feeling Alfie’s life is also going to be changed 😉

    The Old Shelter – 1940s Film Noir

  2. at least annabelle has a happy ending, poor alfie, I seem to be saying that a lot but he really is quite pitiful.

    have a lovely day.

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