A to Z 2020?

As April looms ever nearer, one thing becomes clearer and clearer to me: I am not participating in the April A to Z Challenge this year. I need to take a breather. Now, you’d think that a whole year would be enough of a breather, but apparently it isn’t, this time. I just haven’t managed to think of a really satisfactory theme, and I don’t want to do without a theme, because I like the structure that a theme provides. So, yeah: no April A to Z for me.

But! I also am at home all the time now (this will, I imagine, surprise no-one) with very little to do. So I think I will try to post every Sunday this April—you know, when you A to Zers are taking a break. I don’t know what I will post about—I may just talk about some of the movies I’ve seen since I went into Coronavirus lockdown mode. I’ve seen quite a few movies in the past couple of weeks, and most of them are available for streaming in various forms. Which would mean that you, dear reader, could watch them too. This could possibly be exciting for you. Then again, you might simply end up questioning my taste in film.

Anyway, I might talk about movies. Then again, I might do something fancy in the Artificial Artifact line. That, of course, would mean that I’d have to think of an idea for one first. I will try my best.

Oh, and I will be visiting A to Zing blogs, too. That is something I’m really looking forward to, this year. Because when I am participating in an A to Z, I generally don’t have as much time as I’d like to go and visit other A to Zers. Which is weird, because, I mean, that is part of the point of the whole thing.

So—yes, I’ll be around, this year. I just won’t be doing my own A to Z.

And—need I add? Stay home and stay safe!

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  1. Stay safe and enjoy the time to see some movies. I am hoping more older movies become available on streaming services. I am a great fan of movies from the 40s and 50s and there are not many available to stream here in Australia, we did much better with availability from video shops.

    Best wishes
    Anne from Australia who is taking on the challenge again in 2020

  2. Hitchcock films, no surprise. Thrillers like Double Indemnity. One sticks in my mind and I can’t remember the title, something like Judith – a drawing room type drama

  3. Glad to have you around, but sorry you won’t be doing A to Z! I look forward to your Sunday posts. 🙂

  4. Hi Melanie,

    As someone who also likes to work to a theme, I think you are being very sensible!

    Good luck with your tour of the Blaughosphere :0) If you come across any gems, please do post them on Twitter or something.

    Stay safe,

    @Breakerofthings calling by from
    Fiction Can Be Fun
    Calling by as an A2Z supporter

  5. I’m so sorry to hear you won’t partecipate in the challenge this year. Your challanges are alwasy among my favourite.
    But I’m happy to hear you’ll still be around. I love to meet old friends during the challenge 🙂

    The Old Shelter – Living the Twenties

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