Sunday Extra: Map Of Cadblister Parva

Those of you who have been following my A To Z Challenge so far will know that, in the sleepy English village of Cadblister Parva, the body of Lord Cadblister has just been found.  You will also know, I hope, that mysteries are always enhanced by a map, with an X marking the spot where the body is found.  I have now drawn you such a map, and here it is!  I haven’t filled in all of the labels yet, because I haven’t decided on all the locations, but I’ve filled in all of the places that our story has visited thus far.

Cadblister Parva Map

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  1. Hey, I missed the map yesterday.
    I love this. I think it will be easier to follow all the characters’ movements with this 🙂

    • Melanie Atherton Allen

      Hey Jazzfeathers! I am glad you like the map! I liked making it, because map-making = fun! More blanks will be filled in as the story unfolds.

  2. Totally awesome. Can’t wait! (also, your Shareaholic doesn’t include your Twitter handle when I try to tweet out your posts… just an FYI!) Also, no fair that you can Art, too. 😛

  3. Melanie Atherton Allen

    Alex- yay! I am glad you like my map! Thanks for the heads-up about the Shareaholic thing- I will look into it. And, I can (sort of) art, and I keep meaning to show some of my things off on this site… and then not doing it. BUT! If you think I can Art, you should check out what my sister can do… at She blows me right out of the water.

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