Additional Character Pictures

For each of my A To Z posts so far, I have taken a LOT of pictures.  Sometimes, selecting the picture that I am actually going to use is hard.  Sometimes, bloopers happen.  Anyway, I thought I’d show you some of my better alternate photos.  I will update this post as more photos are taken, so check back!

Some of these pictures have captions on them; if you don’t see any, try mousing over the images- and hopefully the captions will pop up!

Alternate Aunts

Alternate Bastards

Alternate Constables

Alternate Doctor

Alternate English Roses

Alternate Foreigners


Alternate Mrs. Grace Merriweathers (for Gossips)

Alternate Heirs

Alternate Inspectors


Alternate Kitchen Maids

Alternate Ladies

Alternate Nephews – The Hon. Percy is Not A Nice Young Man At All.  I had considerable difficulty in contriving to make him look sufficiently unpleasant.

Alternate Other Women – or should it be Alternate Other Womans?  Probably.  Anyway, this is one of my favorite costumes of the whole series.  I recently wore a somewhat modified version of this get-up to the Steampunk World’s Fair (which was, by the way, awesome).

Alternate Postmistresses

Alternate Quarreling Couples – these pictures feature myself and my boyfriend.  No actual quarrel took place; no relationships were damaged in this shoot.

Alternate Richard Crabtrees


Alternate Tomboys

Alternate Unwilling Investigators

Alternate Vicars

Alternate Witches

Alternate Xs

Alternates for The Yeoman

Ah, The Yeoman.  This is another favorite of mine.  I took the pictures in our front yard at night, and made Alec sit out with me, doing things on his computer, because I thought this might normalize things for anyone who happened to see me.  “Auugh!”  They would think.  “What the hell is that?”  And then they’d see Alec, composedly doing computer-stuff in the vicinity.  “Ah,” they would say.  “That guy isn’t worried about the ghost or crazy person or whatever.  I will not worry either.”

This may or may not be logical.  However, it made sense to me at the time.

Alternate Zebadiah Sneakforks

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  1. Fantastic!

    I can’t belive the ammount of work you’re doing for this challange. I think writing a story (and a mystery story at that!) it’s alreasy quite a fit, but getting the pics as well!
    I was actually wondering how you got the pictors. I didn’t imagine you’re making them by scatches yourself.

    I tip my hat at you.

    • Melanie Atherton Allen

      Hey Jazzfeathers- I take the pictures on my iPad, with an app called Fast Camera, which takes a picture every x seconds, with x being set-able by the user. This allows me to take a batch of pics without having to fiddle, which is handy. Then I load them onto my computer, apply a sepia or an “antique” filter, and slap on a frame. That part isn’t too work-intensive, though finding a good setting for the picture and fiddling with lighting does take some time. The dressing up and making up is a bit time-consuming, but it is also fun, and I’m getting faster at it already. The writing is the part I like best, and after the first installments it has been flowing pretty freely. Once you’ve figured out what needs to happen in each scene, it gets a lot easier- at least, that is what I am experiencing. I’m crossing my fingers that I don’t hit a block!
      I am so glad you are enjoying my mystery!

  2. Love the photos, and the captions! You should be in theater.

  3. Melanie Atherton Allen

    Lori- thank you! But I actually can’t act- at all- it is like I have a weird anti-talent when it comes to acting, at least on a stage… but I do love doing different make-up and giving myself different noses and Emoting in front of my camera. That seems to work out ok! So maybe I should do make-up for theater… hm…

  4. Pingback: #AtoZChallenge 2015 Reflections | Alex Hurst

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